Thursday, June 30, 2011

Afghan Rose

This portrait happened just right after I saw a highly touching and soul-stirring photo of an Afghan man smelling a red rose. The act is as if in remembrance of family and friends lost in a war that has ravaged Afghanistan for so long that no one remembers the true cause of the war.

I'm just saddened that many of those who have died because of the war are civilians, innocent children with their mothers while their sons and husbands go out to fight a war they don't understand.



  1. to bad people dont see this situation. all they about r terrorism n ISLAM. they completely frgt about the humans that are suffering over there.


  2. Afghan are best people I ever know .Yes they are touchy about their tradition and values but over all they are peace loving and friendly .
    Fuck Nato, USSR,UK and US !

  3. @Farsilla
    Precisely. Like how a picture says a thousand words, people just look at the overall picture but they ignore the details in the picture that actually speaks volumes of the real situation.
    I feel for them

    Ooo, I've never met an Afghan but hopefully in future.Yeah, I was reading about them and they are really friendly, very hospitable, good-hearted people. Hahaha, sometimes outsiders just don't know what they're doing all as a result of their ignorance.

    Thank you dearies :)
